Tableaux Vivant

Originally published in Scribes magazine He grabs her arm when they leave the curb. Says crossing Highway 1 is dicey. “Art Festival time.” She knows that. She knows aficionados clog the neighborhood en route to the amphitheater. She knows that’s where they mold people into famous paintings. “Living pictures,” they call it. Isn’t the opposite …

Our Crimsoned Future

Originally published in The Seraphic Review Blood on the tissue. Stomach tumbling to hard tile, anchored to expiration. I thought I was prepared, every acrobatic bathroom visit bracing body brain and guts. Til a speck of encroaching red spreads beyond itself inaudible insensible shrapnel cruel. In ricocheting glazed enclosures, in musty unkempt stalls, in tidy …

At the Break Line

Originally published in Cerasus Magazine Salty spray smacks both bony knees. Shrieking in delight, four-year-old me retreats to my smiling dad, churning foam and sand as I muscle through. From shore, mom watches, perfect-posture regal. A pale hand shades her roving eyes. She’ll pounce if things get bad. White froth cups and tugs my browned …

Deconstructing Mom

Originally published in Book of Matches They would start in the den Small. Organized. Dad had said to take anything they might use so they built two boxes. Keep. Donate. The classics were no surprise In the classroom she had shone brightest and laughed. Most. Faulkner, Dante, the Russian and others she loved quickly filled …

Moving to Survive: The Morpho Butterflies of Panama

Featured in Intrepid Times Four hundred feet above the column of ships waiting to enter the canal, we crossed the Bridge of the Americas to begin our winter escape in earnest. As Jeff and I climbed through steep Caribbean pines, rolled past arching ferns, and dropped into the sea of airborne palms in Almirante, I …